Pursuit of Desire;
Enemies to Lovers, Second Chance, Best Friend’s Dad Romance
Desire Series; Book Two
Enemies to Lovers, Second Chance, Best Friend’s Dad Romance
Desire Series; Book Two
Sample Excerpt Chapter One
Disengaging our tongues from intertwined French kissing, I twirled about, bending forward over his desk, both breasts exposed, nipples red and hard from his ravishing foreplay.
“Mmm,” escaped my throat, face crimson with sexual arousal, labia wet and swollen, desiring the full depth of his penetration. Grabbing my hair with a tight fist, he roughly twisted my head, eyes glazed over and filled with Cumm frenzy, as I locked on his gaze. “We shouldn’t be … ,” abruptly silenced by two fingers invading my mouth, inserting partway down my throat. My inner thighs were soaked with pussy juice. |
Gruffly, “Your body’s in no mood to stop.”
He wasn’t lying, “mmm.”
At the mere caress of his fingertips, I was enslaved by lust and desire, knowing he would fulfill and satisfy my every need.
“Holding your breath … Your silence is enough for me to know,” he whispered hoarsely, as I sucked my breath in abruptly, feeling my labia spread as it entered me.
The hardness of his throbbing cock penetrated my tingling, swollen lips. Slowly, but deliberately, he pushed his way inside.
With the escape of a single exhale, my pussy relaxed. Its vaginal walls let go, easing the entry of his engorged head past my G Spot.
His firm, powerful hands grasped my hair as they would leather reigns, dominating a feral mare into submission.
The other thumb pressed gently with a circular motion caressing my puckered anus, as his slightly withdrawn cock rhythmically stimulated … in and out … between swollen slippery lubricating labia.
Inserting deeper again across the engorged swollen G Spot, deeper, and deeper as the slit of his enlarged head kissed my cervix.
“Mmm … Oh … Yes …”
His rod of passion impaled me. Its thrusts synced with deep gasps from down in his throat … proclaiming his growing desire at the apex of each stroke.
“Oh … Fuck … Yes,” moaning, groaning as my sexual desire mounted, building toward an imminent crescendo, the tip of his pulsing head, now motionless, pressed firmly against the entrance to my womb.
My eyes whimpered, pleading with desire, remaining locked onto his gaze while I bit my lower lip, subservient to the demands of his pleasure.
Toes of both feet flexed into the carpeted floor, pressing my butt higher against the pressure of his edging thumb, and opening the depths of my vagina to full penetration.
‘Oh ... Yes ... I love this god of a man’.
“Easy, please … Yes … Gentle,” as the force and depth of his thrusts increased.
“Ngh … Uff.” moaning in ecstasy. ‘This woman’s … So HOT!’
Judging by the expanding head pulsing directly against my cervix, “mmm,” his slight hesitation at the zenith of the last stroke, he was close to Cumming.
“Oh! God, yes ... Fuck me!” Perfect timing, as I crested the threshold of my orgasmic cascade, waves of convulsion spread from my contracting uterus throughout every organ and cell of my body.
He pulled out, spurting hot viscous semen all over my ass.
‘Cumm inside me!’, the deepest desires of my being screamed in silence within the confines of my conscious awareness.
“Lucky you … It had to end soon,” he frowned.
“Time to pick up your friend in Portsmouth.”
“Me? … Lucky?” I raised a brow.
“No. Not lucky,” as I wrapped my arms around his neck.
“I long to feel the gush of your semen, the seeds of your creative potential squirting deep inside me.”
“Professor, my body wants the fullest expression of your love.”
The man in question? Hal Winston, my grumpy, sexy, George Clooney gorgeous, salt-and-peppered professor of medieval literature.
We met as two singles in Pete’s Tap, a neighborhood pub close to the Dartmouth College campus. Smoldering desires flamed into lust that night with the frenzy of intense wild animal sex.
The next day? Attending my newly assigned major professor’s lecture, what I expected was deeply informative instruction on symbolism within Shakespearean plays.
Oh! What we discovered?
Our forbidden love connection, between professor and student.
Acts of deep intimate fulfillment, kindled from the night before, ignited into flames of forbidden perverse lust and desire for raw animal sex.
We both wanted more … Much more! Again and again, and again.
Our twin flame attraction spawned behaviors in which we freely enjoyed unbridled euphoric enthusiasm, that now broke every rule of academic etiquette governing professor student relations.
“This absolutely SUCKS! … Or does it?”
To continue in a forbidden romance could be fraught with severe consequences for each of us.
For him potential loss of tenure and even being fired. For me expulsion from my doctoral candidacy.
‘The only thing? … Him.’
His steely blue eyes. Salt and pepper hair and goatee. Those broad shoulders, trim at the waist, muscled forearms. And his throbbing cock that is … oh, so delicious.
‘For him, I’ll risk it all.’
If discovered, at the very least it would be scandalous. So, each step needed to be laid out strategically.
‘I must be patient and deliberate in every move’.
“I can't believe it. I need to shower again,” smirking with a seductive grin, “because of you,” complaining with a twinkle that flashed in my eyes, as he massaged his Cumm into the supple flesh of my still quivering ass.
“Quit your whining,” he spanked me sharply, leaving a red handprint, and continued.
“There. Now go. Pick up your friend … Enjoy!”
“Mmm, I smell like sex!” adjusting my hair and outfit.
“You know, men might pick up on my scent and … who knows what could happen … me, still randy and roaming the airport concourse alone.”
He held my chin, locking my gaze as I faced him, “Nice try!” smirking.
“Good luck finding a man who has half my looks and the skills needed to satisfy your hungry pussy,” grinning with absolute confidence.
“Besides, you know I’m not the jealous type,” kissing my open mouth with active tongue, and pulling my Venus mound firmly against the bulge in his trousers.
“Ah … Oh. Mmm … I’ll call you,” tearing myself away, “when we arrive back in Hanover.”
Having matriculated in January, at the beginning of winter quarter, my first year as a doctoral candidate was drawing to a close.
I was so excited and nervous to finally meet my cyber-pen-pal and best friend Samantha Williams. Arriving, 2:17 pm, from Heathrow, London.
Driving to Portsmouth International Airport, two hours to the coast on I-89, I reviewed the past year of exciting and challenging adventures, also feeling exhilarated with anticipation for the coming year.
New Year’s strategy. I’ll dig deep into research for documentation that justifies, supports, and validates claims and conclusions made within the supposition of my thesis.
Excitement and elation coursed through my body thinking about my relationship with Hal, progressing toward both sexual fulfillment and that of my doctoral process, to complete my dissertation requirements.
Any chance to show off my intellectual prowess always gave me an additional jolt of adrenaline generated ecstasy.
‘If I spoke to Sam with this level of candor, she'd scold me’, her deep sighs, linked with rolling of her eyes, then a wide ear to ear grin.
“Only an hour now,” recollecting the photo image on the author’s page of her latest book cover; a very attractive woman.
Sam, a fellow author, and literary doctoral candidate instantly became my best friend. We bonded like the attraction of opposing magnetic poles through a romance author’s social media chat room.
Even though Sam held things extremely close to the chest, we were literary sisters at heart and had each other’s backs for support.
She lived in London with her mother, while attending Oxford.
Grinning widely, I felt the tangibility of her impending arrival.
She was here to visit me and a relative who also lived in or around Hanover, and I was tickled pink to be on the short list as a priority in the inner circle of her life.
“Hmm”, speaking of friends and family, ‘Hal mentioned something about his daughter planning to visit for the holidays’.
But then he had become distracted and didn’t continue. ‘Wonder when I’ll get to meet her?’
He didn’t say anything else, but I assumed he’d introduce me, and we’d spend some time with her.
‘A daughter of his must have genius level intellect and a quick wit. I can hardly wait.’
“I hope she likes me,” murmuring as I fidgeted with my hair, twirling it around the index finger of my left hand while driving with my right.
As one who grew up in an emotionally unavailable, and verbally abusive home, ‘I guess families everywhere have issues in common. Especially around the holidays.’
Waiting at the international customs concourse exit, “I hope she recognizes me,” inspecting my outfit, primping my hair, and applying a fresh coat of lipstick.
Unconsciously, my mind drifted, engaging in people watching as they passed by. Especially this one very handsome man who starred twice … second time with a charming smile.
His swagger stimulated a replay of sensations generated as Hal’s cock thrust deep inside me, just a couple hours ago.
Biting my lower lip as he winked. “Mmm,” as my pussy contracted, oozing the ever-present lubrication, dampening my panties once again, “Oh … My God … Mmm.”
Before at such a moment I would have actively pursued him for possible sexual release. But now, even though my body reacted, my thoughts were focused only on Hal, as I relived our recent encounter.
“Alice?” A familiar voice called me back to the present and conscious awareness of airport reality.
My heart leapt into my throat as I spun around, recognizing Sam as the woman standing in front of me.
She wore a crop top and blazer. Very bold, considering there was still snow at the roadsides left over from the recent early winter storm.
Her sunglasses, resting down on her nose, gave her a ‘cool beauty’ international glamor vibe.
She was slightly taller than me. Easily 5’11” compared to my 5’9”.
I was more curvaceously slim, but there was something about her more sturdy frame that radiated an alluring sexiness.
Wow, the last time I fawned over anyone's looks was at the bar with Hal. And that's almost a year ago now.
“You are Alice, right?” she requested clarification.
“Sam? Yes. Sorry ... I was just lost in thought over something when you approached ... a bit startled is all.”
“I’m so happy to finally meet you.” I responded, syncing her face with the image of her author page photograph.
“Thank goodness it’s you,” letting out a sigh of relief, running her fingers through the cascades of raven black hair.
“Alice, you look much sexier in person.”
“And Sam, similarly … your author photo doesn’t do you service at all,” I admitted while eyeing her from top to bottom, with a wide gleeful grin.
She smiled back, “It's so very nice to see you.”
Opening my arms wide, I approached boldly and embraced her firmly with a kiss against her left then right cheek, as is the European custom.
Sam fully accepted my embrace, returning my kisses.
“Mmm”, melting into her warmth, yet I could tell something was bothering her.
‘Probably shouldn't ask … table that for now’.
“So, I'm in your hands,” Sam bringing my focus back to her.
“As you can see, my luggage already cleared customs,” motioning to her single roller suitcase.
“What now?”
“Well … as far as organization goes … Don’t you have a family member to visit?”
Her warm expression transformed into a pasted on, forced smile.
“That will need to wait.” She chuckled defensively.
‘Obviously, a sign to not pry any further down that path’.
Sam interrupted our silence, “What did you have in mind to do first?”
“Well, my professor has his dance card booked handling closeouts,” I responded.
“So, I'm on my own until this coming Friday.”
“His tasks should be done by the 23rd. Until then, I'm free as a bird. And that means girl time for the two of us.”
“Great! That sounds delightful,” she grinned with joyful anticipation. “You’ll be my tour guide then … please.”
“First of all, hmmm … Have you organized a place to stay?”
“No. Is there a hotel around here?” She inquired.
“Not with the holidays, and very expensive pricing,” I scoffed, offering to handle her suitcase.
“I’ve got this, Alice”, she politely declined.
“I’d like you to stay with me, until you're ready to visit your kin.”
“So, you're stuck with me,” leaving no room for argument, and loving that she embraced my offer so graciously.
“Thank you, Alice.”
“Let’s go. I’m tired … and I’d very much appreciate getting settled in before we do anything else.”
“Hi Sweetie. Glad you could take my facetime call. It’s nice to see you reclining on your throne chair.”
“Wish I could be there sitting in your lap … Mmm … Grinding my pussy against your cock bulge … Anyway, how are things going?”
“Come and see!” he punctuated with a forceful grunt.
Licking my lips, I watched his left shoulder, elbow motion, “Mmm,” an obvious stroking on that stiff cock, imagining it free from confines of his trousers.
“No. I really can’t. It’s oval week and I’m just not willing to risk the possible consequences.”
“Plus. You’re still busy with end-of-term closeouts.”
“Yes. Course syllabus, grading term papers, final exams, and student evals.”
“Ugh! Wish there was some way you could help, but you know how particular I am about term closure.”
Sam entered my bedroom and lay down nonchalantly diagonally across the extent of my mattress, smiling and patiently waiting for me to finish my call.
“Anyway, I also have my friend visiting this week and I really want to spend quality time with her.”
“Besides, we’ve already made plans. I’m playing tour-guide, showing her around.”
He raised an obvious brow at me. So, I blew him a kiss, and rolled my eyes back.
With that, I retreated to my master bathroom retouching my makeup.
“Shush!” whispering. “You don’t want my guest finding out what kind of slutty woman I really am,” winking while biting my lip.
Keeping our conversation more private, I pushed the door closed.
“But, what about your urges?” he whined … knowing it wasn’t really my urges that concerned him.
“I know, Professor … mmm,” moaning. “But we really need to exercise self-control.”
“We? … Really?” Muttering, “You know I’m all about control.”
“Besides, I'd be surprised if she doesn't already know,” he quipped.
“Don't stay away too long, Alice,” a grimace etched lines more deeply in his face. “But, in the meantime, I'll stay focused … and finish my work.”
“Sounds like a plan, Sweetheart.”
“Hopefully, my daughter will call, or text soon … and let me know her itinerary.”
“Don’t worry, love. You'll be fine. I’ll make sure of it. Even if she doesn't show, you still have me … keeping you entertained and satisfied.”
“Wrapped up in red ribbons?”
“And crimson lace lingerie,” as I danced provocatively for the camera, also appreciating my reflection in the mirror.
“I can't wait, Alice. I’m drooling already.”
I blew him a kiss and ended the call with a seductive grin.
Returning to my bedroom, I smiled sheepishly at Sam.
“Ooh, someone's in love,” Sam playfully jeered as she propped herself up on her right elbow, resting on a pillow.
“Shut up,” rolling my eyes.
“OK, Alice. Truth time!” her arms crossed leaning against the back of a kitchen chair as I poured her cup of Earl Grey.
“What kind of man is he?” Sam assertively required divulgence … “all the hot details of your affair, please,” with a naughty twinkle in her eyes.
“All you mentioned until now was that he’s a professor. So, listening to your phone conversation, I'm really surprised he’s willing to risk his tenure like this.”
Strait-laced Sam required a kid-glove approach to sharing that I was in an intensely sexual, romantic relationship with my professor.
Playing it down, “He's nothing special,” grimacing. It actually hurt my heart to put it that way, hiding my joy from her. But I just wasn’t ready to spill all the details yet.
“Remember that stranger I told you about … from the bar?”
“You didn't,” leaning forward resting both forearms on the table, and raising a brow with opinionated disbelief.
“Yes, I did!” responding gleefully.
“Drop dead gorgeous! There was no way I was letting him escape my clutches.”
“Alice, most of the time, I felt you were embellishing the extent of your sexual escapades,” sighing deeply.
“I guess not … Just what am I to do with you?”
“I was sharing intimate details of my life adventure ... Don't you have such romantic sexual escapades?” pouting with a protruding lower lip.
“No,” shaking her head. “I haven't engaged in any such thing for quite a long while.”
“Especially not with everything going on at home,” a sour grimace etched the lines deeper at both corners of her mouth, which told me again to leave well enough alone.
In that moment, even though they looked nothing alike, something in her facial expression reminded me of Hal, that same dullness in his eyes when he’s depressed, and the morose downtrodden countenance.
And I also felt just as bad seeing her sad like that, as it makes me when Hal’s troubles disgruntle him.
“I know a good bar for ladies’ night out,” wriggling up my nose and raising both brows.
Sam giggled, “Ahh … Fuck yes! Let’s go.”
“That's the spirit.”
Our first night together, Sam and I visited Pete's Tap, imbibing their Black Velvet cocktail, same as I drank the fateful night Hal and I met.
Like Dejah Vu, the bartender Jake, flirted shamelessly with us, while several male patrons approached, plying us with drinks and sporting cheesy lines, laughing, and giggling, fully enjoying our time together.
After downing several drinks a piece, Sam leaned toward me, “Alice, I’m tired … jet lag … I need to sleep.”
Returning to my place, donning PJs, we sat up on the couch in front of the fireplace till wee hours chatting mostly about Sam’s experience at Oxford and her progress with fulfilling doctoral candidate requirements.
“Good night, Alice”, hugging as Sam retired to the guest bedroom.
I stayed up, remaining in contemplation, having lost myself in the flickering flames, until my eyes drooped heavily drowsy with my need for sleep.
It was a good night. “I love you Sam,” whispering as I walked past her open door on my way to bed.
For the rest of our week together, I showed Sam some of Hal’s and my favorite haunts.
We wandered through the shelves of Mink’s Bookstore, chatting as we ran across favorite titles, sharing a Danish desert and lattes.
I giggled as we walked out onto the deck, breathing in the crisp winter air wafting through the forest.
I described for her Hal’s and my carnal embrace amongst the trees. “The risk of discovery and consequences if caught, heated our exhilaration.”
“Oh my God, Alice! Really?” her neck and cheeks flushed crimson with embarrassment … maybe more from suppressed arousal.
“You’re really such a tart,” chuckling, and hugging me like schoolgirls sharing intimate adventures.
We spent the whole week introducing Sam to all the other places I thought she would enjoy.
Notably, we spent one whole afternoon picnicking and drinking wine under the gigantic oak at Storrs Pond Rec Area, revisiting Sam’s suggestion for much needed repose and release from my stress of grad school.
Both being raised as only children, and having no idea how siblings normally got along, we explored with curiosity, figuring it all out now in our late 20s, deepening the bond of friendship during our days together.
“Sam, I’m so glad you came to visit. I considered you instantly my friend when we met chatting online. But now, especially after you coming all this way, I feel so much closer now. You’re like a sister I just met.”
We hugged and kissed each other’s cheeks.
“Thank you so much, Alice, for sharing with me, all these fun places that you … and your mysterious lover frequent.”
“My pleasure,” I offered. “Maybe you and your kin can visit some of them when you get together?”
“Alice, I’m sorry to be so secretive with my personal life. I’ve been keeping their identity from you.”
“But now that we’ve spent this time together, I feel it’s ok to speak more openly.”
“I'm here visiting my dad. You remember the difficulties I was having communicating, and my concern over his relationship with my mum.”
I sat quietly with a soft warm smile, giving her time to feel safe and continue with this new level of intimacy in our relationship.
“I’m still worried about seeing him again,” Sam sighed deeply. “It’s been so long. Things have been so difficult between us … I just don't know.”
“Yes. You do … Of course, you do,” with an encouraging smile.
She sighed, “You're right,” as a wave of relief spread across her face.
“Hmm … I think my dad would like you.”
“Doubt it. I have such terrible luck with older men,” teasingly.
‘Well, except for Hal, that is’, lapsing into graphic sexual images, fantasizing about the last time we were together.
“Sam, you really don’t want to witness the relationship I have with my father.”
“I'll put in a good word for you,” she assured me. “I'll tell him you're more than a best friend. You're a sister.”
Hearing her refer to me as her sister melted my heart, tears welling up in my eyes, rivulets running down both cheeks.
“Oh, Sam. I truly love you,” reaching out with a hug, and kissing her cheeks.
There were definitely unshared secrets between us. Secrets that at the right time would be revealed. Now, the bond growing between us ensured that day would come sooner than later.
He wasn’t lying, “mmm.”
At the mere caress of his fingertips, I was enslaved by lust and desire, knowing he would fulfill and satisfy my every need.
“Holding your breath … Your silence is enough for me to know,” he whispered hoarsely, as I sucked my breath in abruptly, feeling my labia spread as it entered me.
The hardness of his throbbing cock penetrated my tingling, swollen lips. Slowly, but deliberately, he pushed his way inside.
With the escape of a single exhale, my pussy relaxed. Its vaginal walls let go, easing the entry of his engorged head past my G Spot.
His firm, powerful hands grasped my hair as they would leather reigns, dominating a feral mare into submission.
The other thumb pressed gently with a circular motion caressing my puckered anus, as his slightly withdrawn cock rhythmically stimulated … in and out … between swollen slippery lubricating labia.
Inserting deeper again across the engorged swollen G Spot, deeper, and deeper as the slit of his enlarged head kissed my cervix.
“Mmm … Oh … Yes …”
His rod of passion impaled me. Its thrusts synced with deep gasps from down in his throat … proclaiming his growing desire at the apex of each stroke.
“Oh … Fuck … Yes,” moaning, groaning as my sexual desire mounted, building toward an imminent crescendo, the tip of his pulsing head, now motionless, pressed firmly against the entrance to my womb.
My eyes whimpered, pleading with desire, remaining locked onto his gaze while I bit my lower lip, subservient to the demands of his pleasure.
Toes of both feet flexed into the carpeted floor, pressing my butt higher against the pressure of his edging thumb, and opening the depths of my vagina to full penetration.
‘Oh ... Yes ... I love this god of a man’.
“Easy, please … Yes … Gentle,” as the force and depth of his thrusts increased.
“Ngh … Uff.” moaning in ecstasy. ‘This woman’s … So HOT!’
Judging by the expanding head pulsing directly against my cervix, “mmm,” his slight hesitation at the zenith of the last stroke, he was close to Cumming.
“Oh! God, yes ... Fuck me!” Perfect timing, as I crested the threshold of my orgasmic cascade, waves of convulsion spread from my contracting uterus throughout every organ and cell of my body.
He pulled out, spurting hot viscous semen all over my ass.
‘Cumm inside me!’, the deepest desires of my being screamed in silence within the confines of my conscious awareness.
“Lucky you … It had to end soon,” he frowned.
“Time to pick up your friend in Portsmouth.”
“Me? … Lucky?” I raised a brow.
“No. Not lucky,” as I wrapped my arms around his neck.
“I long to feel the gush of your semen, the seeds of your creative potential squirting deep inside me.”
“Professor, my body wants the fullest expression of your love.”
The man in question? Hal Winston, my grumpy, sexy, George Clooney gorgeous, salt-and-peppered professor of medieval literature.
We met as two singles in Pete’s Tap, a neighborhood pub close to the Dartmouth College campus. Smoldering desires flamed into lust that night with the frenzy of intense wild animal sex.
The next day? Attending my newly assigned major professor’s lecture, what I expected was deeply informative instruction on symbolism within Shakespearean plays.
Oh! What we discovered?
Our forbidden love connection, between professor and student.
Acts of deep intimate fulfillment, kindled from the night before, ignited into flames of forbidden perverse lust and desire for raw animal sex.
We both wanted more … Much more! Again and again, and again.
Our twin flame attraction spawned behaviors in which we freely enjoyed unbridled euphoric enthusiasm, that now broke every rule of academic etiquette governing professor student relations.
“This absolutely SUCKS! … Or does it?”
To continue in a forbidden romance could be fraught with severe consequences for each of us.
For him potential loss of tenure and even being fired. For me expulsion from my doctoral candidacy.
‘The only thing? … Him.’
His steely blue eyes. Salt and pepper hair and goatee. Those broad shoulders, trim at the waist, muscled forearms. And his throbbing cock that is … oh, so delicious.
‘For him, I’ll risk it all.’
If discovered, at the very least it would be scandalous. So, each step needed to be laid out strategically.
‘I must be patient and deliberate in every move’.
“I can't believe it. I need to shower again,” smirking with a seductive grin, “because of you,” complaining with a twinkle that flashed in my eyes, as he massaged his Cumm into the supple flesh of my still quivering ass.
“Quit your whining,” he spanked me sharply, leaving a red handprint, and continued.
“There. Now go. Pick up your friend … Enjoy!”
“Mmm, I smell like sex!” adjusting my hair and outfit.
“You know, men might pick up on my scent and … who knows what could happen … me, still randy and roaming the airport concourse alone.”
He held my chin, locking my gaze as I faced him, “Nice try!” smirking.
“Good luck finding a man who has half my looks and the skills needed to satisfy your hungry pussy,” grinning with absolute confidence.
“Besides, you know I’m not the jealous type,” kissing my open mouth with active tongue, and pulling my Venus mound firmly against the bulge in his trousers.
“Ah … Oh. Mmm … I’ll call you,” tearing myself away, “when we arrive back in Hanover.”
Having matriculated in January, at the beginning of winter quarter, my first year as a doctoral candidate was drawing to a close.
I was so excited and nervous to finally meet my cyber-pen-pal and best friend Samantha Williams. Arriving, 2:17 pm, from Heathrow, London.
Driving to Portsmouth International Airport, two hours to the coast on I-89, I reviewed the past year of exciting and challenging adventures, also feeling exhilarated with anticipation for the coming year.
New Year’s strategy. I’ll dig deep into research for documentation that justifies, supports, and validates claims and conclusions made within the supposition of my thesis.
Excitement and elation coursed through my body thinking about my relationship with Hal, progressing toward both sexual fulfillment and that of my doctoral process, to complete my dissertation requirements.
Any chance to show off my intellectual prowess always gave me an additional jolt of adrenaline generated ecstasy.
‘If I spoke to Sam with this level of candor, she'd scold me’, her deep sighs, linked with rolling of her eyes, then a wide ear to ear grin.
“Only an hour now,” recollecting the photo image on the author’s page of her latest book cover; a very attractive woman.
Sam, a fellow author, and literary doctoral candidate instantly became my best friend. We bonded like the attraction of opposing magnetic poles through a romance author’s social media chat room.
Even though Sam held things extremely close to the chest, we were literary sisters at heart and had each other’s backs for support.
She lived in London with her mother, while attending Oxford.
Grinning widely, I felt the tangibility of her impending arrival.
She was here to visit me and a relative who also lived in or around Hanover, and I was tickled pink to be on the short list as a priority in the inner circle of her life.
“Hmm”, speaking of friends and family, ‘Hal mentioned something about his daughter planning to visit for the holidays’.
But then he had become distracted and didn’t continue. ‘Wonder when I’ll get to meet her?’
He didn’t say anything else, but I assumed he’d introduce me, and we’d spend some time with her.
‘A daughter of his must have genius level intellect and a quick wit. I can hardly wait.’
“I hope she likes me,” murmuring as I fidgeted with my hair, twirling it around the index finger of my left hand while driving with my right.
As one who grew up in an emotionally unavailable, and verbally abusive home, ‘I guess families everywhere have issues in common. Especially around the holidays.’
Waiting at the international customs concourse exit, “I hope she recognizes me,” inspecting my outfit, primping my hair, and applying a fresh coat of lipstick.
Unconsciously, my mind drifted, engaging in people watching as they passed by. Especially this one very handsome man who starred twice … second time with a charming smile.
His swagger stimulated a replay of sensations generated as Hal’s cock thrust deep inside me, just a couple hours ago.
Biting my lower lip as he winked. “Mmm,” as my pussy contracted, oozing the ever-present lubrication, dampening my panties once again, “Oh … My God … Mmm.”
Before at such a moment I would have actively pursued him for possible sexual release. But now, even though my body reacted, my thoughts were focused only on Hal, as I relived our recent encounter.
“Alice?” A familiar voice called me back to the present and conscious awareness of airport reality.
My heart leapt into my throat as I spun around, recognizing Sam as the woman standing in front of me.
She wore a crop top and blazer. Very bold, considering there was still snow at the roadsides left over from the recent early winter storm.
Her sunglasses, resting down on her nose, gave her a ‘cool beauty’ international glamor vibe.
She was slightly taller than me. Easily 5’11” compared to my 5’9”.
I was more curvaceously slim, but there was something about her more sturdy frame that radiated an alluring sexiness.
Wow, the last time I fawned over anyone's looks was at the bar with Hal. And that's almost a year ago now.
“You are Alice, right?” she requested clarification.
“Sam? Yes. Sorry ... I was just lost in thought over something when you approached ... a bit startled is all.”
“I’m so happy to finally meet you.” I responded, syncing her face with the image of her author page photograph.
“Thank goodness it’s you,” letting out a sigh of relief, running her fingers through the cascades of raven black hair.
“Alice, you look much sexier in person.”
“And Sam, similarly … your author photo doesn’t do you service at all,” I admitted while eyeing her from top to bottom, with a wide gleeful grin.
She smiled back, “It's so very nice to see you.”
Opening my arms wide, I approached boldly and embraced her firmly with a kiss against her left then right cheek, as is the European custom.
Sam fully accepted my embrace, returning my kisses.
“Mmm”, melting into her warmth, yet I could tell something was bothering her.
‘Probably shouldn't ask … table that for now’.
“So, I'm in your hands,” Sam bringing my focus back to her.
“As you can see, my luggage already cleared customs,” motioning to her single roller suitcase.
“What now?”
“Well … as far as organization goes … Don’t you have a family member to visit?”
Her warm expression transformed into a pasted on, forced smile.
“That will need to wait.” She chuckled defensively.
‘Obviously, a sign to not pry any further down that path’.
Sam interrupted our silence, “What did you have in mind to do first?”
“Well, my professor has his dance card booked handling closeouts,” I responded.
“So, I'm on my own until this coming Friday.”
“His tasks should be done by the 23rd. Until then, I'm free as a bird. And that means girl time for the two of us.”
“Great! That sounds delightful,” she grinned with joyful anticipation. “You’ll be my tour guide then … please.”
“First of all, hmmm … Have you organized a place to stay?”
“No. Is there a hotel around here?” She inquired.
“Not with the holidays, and very expensive pricing,” I scoffed, offering to handle her suitcase.
“I’ve got this, Alice”, she politely declined.
“I’d like you to stay with me, until you're ready to visit your kin.”
“So, you're stuck with me,” leaving no room for argument, and loving that she embraced my offer so graciously.
“Thank you, Alice.”
“Let’s go. I’m tired … and I’d very much appreciate getting settled in before we do anything else.”
“Hi Sweetie. Glad you could take my facetime call. It’s nice to see you reclining on your throne chair.”
“Wish I could be there sitting in your lap … Mmm … Grinding my pussy against your cock bulge … Anyway, how are things going?”
“Come and see!” he punctuated with a forceful grunt.
Licking my lips, I watched his left shoulder, elbow motion, “Mmm,” an obvious stroking on that stiff cock, imagining it free from confines of his trousers.
“No. I really can’t. It’s oval week and I’m just not willing to risk the possible consequences.”
“Plus. You’re still busy with end-of-term closeouts.”
“Yes. Course syllabus, grading term papers, final exams, and student evals.”
“Ugh! Wish there was some way you could help, but you know how particular I am about term closure.”
Sam entered my bedroom and lay down nonchalantly diagonally across the extent of my mattress, smiling and patiently waiting for me to finish my call.
“Anyway, I also have my friend visiting this week and I really want to spend quality time with her.”
“Besides, we’ve already made plans. I’m playing tour-guide, showing her around.”
He raised an obvious brow at me. So, I blew him a kiss, and rolled my eyes back.
With that, I retreated to my master bathroom retouching my makeup.
“Shush!” whispering. “You don’t want my guest finding out what kind of slutty woman I really am,” winking while biting my lip.
Keeping our conversation more private, I pushed the door closed.
“But, what about your urges?” he whined … knowing it wasn’t really my urges that concerned him.
“I know, Professor … mmm,” moaning. “But we really need to exercise self-control.”
“We? … Really?” Muttering, “You know I’m all about control.”
“Besides, I'd be surprised if she doesn't already know,” he quipped.
“Don't stay away too long, Alice,” a grimace etched lines more deeply in his face. “But, in the meantime, I'll stay focused … and finish my work.”
“Sounds like a plan, Sweetheart.”
“Hopefully, my daughter will call, or text soon … and let me know her itinerary.”
“Don’t worry, love. You'll be fine. I’ll make sure of it. Even if she doesn't show, you still have me … keeping you entertained and satisfied.”
“Wrapped up in red ribbons?”
“And crimson lace lingerie,” as I danced provocatively for the camera, also appreciating my reflection in the mirror.
“I can't wait, Alice. I’m drooling already.”
I blew him a kiss and ended the call with a seductive grin.
Returning to my bedroom, I smiled sheepishly at Sam.
“Ooh, someone's in love,” Sam playfully jeered as she propped herself up on her right elbow, resting on a pillow.
“Shut up,” rolling my eyes.
“OK, Alice. Truth time!” her arms crossed leaning against the back of a kitchen chair as I poured her cup of Earl Grey.
“What kind of man is he?” Sam assertively required divulgence … “all the hot details of your affair, please,” with a naughty twinkle in her eyes.
“All you mentioned until now was that he’s a professor. So, listening to your phone conversation, I'm really surprised he’s willing to risk his tenure like this.”
Strait-laced Sam required a kid-glove approach to sharing that I was in an intensely sexual, romantic relationship with my professor.
Playing it down, “He's nothing special,” grimacing. It actually hurt my heart to put it that way, hiding my joy from her. But I just wasn’t ready to spill all the details yet.
“Remember that stranger I told you about … from the bar?”
“You didn't,” leaning forward resting both forearms on the table, and raising a brow with opinionated disbelief.
“Yes, I did!” responding gleefully.
“Drop dead gorgeous! There was no way I was letting him escape my clutches.”
“Alice, most of the time, I felt you were embellishing the extent of your sexual escapades,” sighing deeply.
“I guess not … Just what am I to do with you?”
“I was sharing intimate details of my life adventure ... Don't you have such romantic sexual escapades?” pouting with a protruding lower lip.
“No,” shaking her head. “I haven't engaged in any such thing for quite a long while.”
“Especially not with everything going on at home,” a sour grimace etched the lines deeper at both corners of her mouth, which told me again to leave well enough alone.
In that moment, even though they looked nothing alike, something in her facial expression reminded me of Hal, that same dullness in his eyes when he’s depressed, and the morose downtrodden countenance.
And I also felt just as bad seeing her sad like that, as it makes me when Hal’s troubles disgruntle him.
“I know a good bar for ladies’ night out,” wriggling up my nose and raising both brows.
Sam giggled, “Ahh … Fuck yes! Let’s go.”
“That's the spirit.”
Our first night together, Sam and I visited Pete's Tap, imbibing their Black Velvet cocktail, same as I drank the fateful night Hal and I met.
Like Dejah Vu, the bartender Jake, flirted shamelessly with us, while several male patrons approached, plying us with drinks and sporting cheesy lines, laughing, and giggling, fully enjoying our time together.
After downing several drinks a piece, Sam leaned toward me, “Alice, I’m tired … jet lag … I need to sleep.”
Returning to my place, donning PJs, we sat up on the couch in front of the fireplace till wee hours chatting mostly about Sam’s experience at Oxford and her progress with fulfilling doctoral candidate requirements.
“Good night, Alice”, hugging as Sam retired to the guest bedroom.
I stayed up, remaining in contemplation, having lost myself in the flickering flames, until my eyes drooped heavily drowsy with my need for sleep.
It was a good night. “I love you Sam,” whispering as I walked past her open door on my way to bed.
For the rest of our week together, I showed Sam some of Hal’s and my favorite haunts.
We wandered through the shelves of Mink’s Bookstore, chatting as we ran across favorite titles, sharing a Danish desert and lattes.
I giggled as we walked out onto the deck, breathing in the crisp winter air wafting through the forest.
I described for her Hal’s and my carnal embrace amongst the trees. “The risk of discovery and consequences if caught, heated our exhilaration.”
“Oh my God, Alice! Really?” her neck and cheeks flushed crimson with embarrassment … maybe more from suppressed arousal.
“You’re really such a tart,” chuckling, and hugging me like schoolgirls sharing intimate adventures.
We spent the whole week introducing Sam to all the other places I thought she would enjoy.
Notably, we spent one whole afternoon picnicking and drinking wine under the gigantic oak at Storrs Pond Rec Area, revisiting Sam’s suggestion for much needed repose and release from my stress of grad school.
Both being raised as only children, and having no idea how siblings normally got along, we explored with curiosity, figuring it all out now in our late 20s, deepening the bond of friendship during our days together.
“Sam, I’m so glad you came to visit. I considered you instantly my friend when we met chatting online. But now, especially after you coming all this way, I feel so much closer now. You’re like a sister I just met.”
We hugged and kissed each other’s cheeks.
“Thank you so much, Alice, for sharing with me, all these fun places that you … and your mysterious lover frequent.”
“My pleasure,” I offered. “Maybe you and your kin can visit some of them when you get together?”
“Alice, I’m sorry to be so secretive with my personal life. I’ve been keeping their identity from you.”
“But now that we’ve spent this time together, I feel it’s ok to speak more openly.”
“I'm here visiting my dad. You remember the difficulties I was having communicating, and my concern over his relationship with my mum.”
I sat quietly with a soft warm smile, giving her time to feel safe and continue with this new level of intimacy in our relationship.
“I’m still worried about seeing him again,” Sam sighed deeply. “It’s been so long. Things have been so difficult between us … I just don't know.”
“Yes. You do … Of course, you do,” with an encouraging smile.
She sighed, “You're right,” as a wave of relief spread across her face.
“Hmm … I think my dad would like you.”
“Doubt it. I have such terrible luck with older men,” teasingly.
‘Well, except for Hal, that is’, lapsing into graphic sexual images, fantasizing about the last time we were together.
“Sam, you really don’t want to witness the relationship I have with my father.”
“I'll put in a good word for you,” she assured me. “I'll tell him you're more than a best friend. You're a sister.”
Hearing her refer to me as her sister melted my heart, tears welling up in my eyes, rivulets running down both cheeks.
“Oh, Sam. I truly love you,” reaching out with a hug, and kissing her cheeks.
There were definitely unshared secrets between us. Secrets that at the right time would be revealed. Now, the bond growing between us ensured that day would come sooner than later.